Country of Origin: Indonesia
How did Reese eat her noodles? Witherspoon….
Had a great time tasting and reviewing previously so had to come back for more Ramen review action. Not a bad little package here, Nissin delivering a very pleasant culinary experience. Standard sized block, I tend to prefer these with broth noodles.

Taste was good, could definitely taste the beef flavor however I found this slightly lacking in the heat department. A bit more spice would have boosted the taste of these to another level. Could feel a slight burn on the lips whilst consuming the broth however nothing to call the fire brigade over.

Two of the three packs had a lone mushroom mixed in with the dehydrated vege. Naturally, I saved that bad boy ’til the end which finished off the dish nicely. Nice touch Nissin.

All in all a very good experience. Good noods, tasty broth, a tiny bit more fire would have benefited these.
Heat Level
Taste Level
The Aftermath
Last time I tried broth n00ds it was very violent so I was skeptical even if these were not the hottest things out. Managed to get through all movements pretty much unscathed however. They also passed the gym test, no brutal stomach pains there.
1 flame. Tiny bit of sting
Oh boy! This is another one of the noods I brought back from my trip to Indo. Nissin’s Gekikara range has so far impressed with the flavour and the heat so I was super excited to taste this broth-based one. So this was pretty tasty! Not much heat to be honest (the ‘extra heat’ on the packaging seems to be misleading) but a rock solid soup ramen. Would eat again. Really healthy amount of roughage too; so points for that!
Well these actually surprised me; quiet evening but the morning presented some pretty violent movements and a fair bit of ring-sting. I was back to the bowl twice in succession and had about 30 minutes of uncertainty following. So safe for an evening but a “more than your standard” movement the next morning.
2 flames. There’s a small bit of regret the next day.
Not bad Nissin, not bad. We have sampled 3 (?) Of your ramen and 3 have been pretty good. Hearty broth? Check. Copious roughage? Check. Spicy burn? Half marks. It had heat but it wasnt too much to deal with, just enough chilli flavour to remind you that chilli is in the recipe.
Good scoring marks again from Nissin even in the regret category. We find broth based ramen are usually the culprits for regret but not on this day. There was some gurgles to deal with and I left a smell in the bathroom that took a lot of air freshener but all in all. No real concerns
1 flame for the smell 1 flame for the gurgles, totalling 2 flames from me.
Overall Porcelain Punishment Level