Country of Origin: Indonesia
The most good ones we have had yet!
I must say I looked at these noods in the packaging and i wasn’t thinking there was gonna be much heat behind these bad boys, and… Well I was a bit surprised by how much heat was put out by them!
The noods were way to thin for my liking, I found they weren’t sucking up all of the flavoring.

The powder comes already open in the bowl which i found strange and foreign; before you even had the food close to your mouth you could already taste the heat that was gonna be produced from it!

I would not recommend breathing in while eating; your throat will not enjoy the pain its about to have!!! The broth from these ones was one of the best ones I have had; I used to like only stir fry style ramen but now have actually grown to love soup noods!
Heat Level
Taste Level
The Aftermath
Here I am about 3 hours after eating these nudes and all i can feel is my stomach growling and churning, I’m trying not to fart while i stand in front of customers…..
Come the next day, there was nothing, not even a strange pop from my rear end, no regret for this from me, only thing is just the possible stomach churning and farts at the start.
1 flame, purely for the stomach churns and farting.
So I grabbed these puppies while I was in Indonesia; Indomaret is a pretty popular convenience store chain which you will find littered all across Indo. From the looks of it, this particular ramen is exclusively made for the chain by Nissin. And hey, the massive chilli on the front leads me to believe they will be pretty spicy; let’s hope they are.
Noodles were pretty thin but we can forgive that because its a cup noodle; flavour was pretty damn good and there was definitely a presence of heat there. The oil that came with it gave it staying power that really lingers after you are done. All up, really tasty noodle. Would eat again.
So for me this was another no-show. I did have some gassy movements late in the evening but nothing to crazy; perhaps if you had plans you may need to excuse yourself a few times so keep that in mind. Otherwise pretty tame on the rear.
2 flames!
The bar is set low for me with cup noodles. There is something about practicality that makes flavours cease to exist (in my experience). It was nice to be proven wrong. The flavours were good, as the tag line states, a rock solid good, the most good it could be.
There was a pretty good hit of chilli, the tickle got the throat a buzzin’. The flavours were great, obviously not great enough to be delicious but very good. It was a good, good.
Regrets I feel no longer exist for me. I’ve been battling a tooth ache with Codeine for the past week and my poops are minimal. What I got out, didn’t burn and that’s what we come here to rate, the burn. There was NONE.
0 Flames.
Overall Porcelain Punishment Level