Country of Origin: Indonesia
Mi MOREeng!
Mi ABC, what can I say? You knocked it out of the park. Plentiful bits in bags, fantastic flavour. I would gladly eat these several times over. Your usual mi goreng style nood block, tried and true. I feel maybe a little more heat brought to the table would make this the perfect ramen.

Heat was there, dont get me wrong. I think i would just enjoy an extra spicy varient of this (if it already exists please get in touch with us). The tipping point here though was the citrus, a hint of lemon in the aftertaste adds a depth that i had no idea was missing from standard mi goreng.

I polished the bowl, heck, I was close to licking the bowl clean. We shall be sending Kam back to Indo to bring this back by the pallet.
Heat Level
Taste Level
The Aftermath
I enjoyed a couple of adult beverages after consumption. This perhaps threw off the aftermath slightly. But I san safely say there was no burn or sting. My rectum appreciated a nice easy first week back on review.
0 flames; good noods, send more.
Another Mi Goreng! We love Mi Goreng. This is another one I picked up from my trip in Indo; ABC make fantastic chilli sauce, but so far the noods of theirs we have reviewed have been so/so. Eager to see if this breaks the streak.
Plenty of additions (6 sachets total!) and what I liked about these (compared to Indomie) is the fact that they provide a LOT of fried shallots. Great garnish. The noods are acceptable – correct gauge for Mi Goreng style with great snap – the flavour is incredible (chicken and sharp lemon), and I am completely satisified after eating this dish. I love these. The heat is hard to peg; it’s definitely higher than a lot of similar products and there is a kick in the back of the throat at times. Tough call. It’s a nice heat level for most people and no-one should struggle.
So about 6pm I did have to go to the bathroom; but it resulted in my strenuous activity. I had to push. There was a small amount of sting upon exit, and it was a messy cleanup (you know, one of those ones were you know you aren’t actually done and will need to go back again). I did have to go back again. After that was just a little higher-than-usual gas but nothing else really.
4 flames; the multiple poo thing would be a nuisance if you have plans and the gas is pretty gross.
Overall Porcelain Punishment Level