It's been a long time, I missed thy noodlies. Kam has been teasing me with these ones for quite a while now. From what I'm being told we're all just blaming Josh for getting this one out so late so I'm going to go with that also: fuck you Josh! Anyway, let's get down to this reviewing business. I freakin' love everything ...
I am standing at Kam's desk, bowl in one hand and fork in the other. I stare at the contents of the bowl trying to focus on the previous experience, trying to remember what the taste / burn was like. I tell myself it was OK, it tasted good and burnt the lips a little, so I ...
Man oh man did these look promising. Noodle block was round, ideal for fitting in a bowl (observe below annoyingly aesthetic image). Three sachets, with the blood red "hot sauce" packet again looking like these will deliver. Other two sachets contained dehydrated veg and what looked like a gray ...
Now I am a HUGE fan of Pho Soup, so when we spun these n00ds I was thoroughly excited. Loving the variety we've been getting as of late. These came in a cup, upon revealing the contents we found everything in plastic bags, nice touch. Rice noodles were bunched up and sealed, another bag contained ...
Wai Wai do I do this to myself! Boy were these an experience! Alright let's start off; very small noodle block again, more of a snack size pack. Mixed everything up and the shrimp just hits you smack bang in the face. Don't get me wrong, I love shrimp however this was a very ...
No one does spices like Mama. These are always fun to review due to the sheer number of spices/tastes their noods contain. Un-packaging these bad boys shows a super small noodle block and two sachets, one with a blend ...
Can never expect too much from cup noodles right? Wrong! These were delicious! Opened up the cup and expected the usual sachets, the chilli powder / dehydrated vege was already present in the packet. Noods looked curly and thin, I was intrigued. ...
Wholemeal coloured block; double bagged sachets THU 11:15AM Kamran Don't forget today's noods Andy Haha its my lunch so Doubt id forget to eat Kamran Haha Andy Fkn slammed today. Might go wat now Kamran Yeah I'm eating now Kinda spicy...I think medium More lip sting. Really tasty broth Andy Nic said ginger aroma? Kamran ...
You definitely don't need a super bowl to eat these; the noodle block is tiny and noodles very thin. One sachet only also, this definitely did not impress out of the packet. We remained hopeful and proceeded with the consumption despite the "2 minute noodle" presentation. ...
I will continue with the review despite that terrible joke. Here at RRG we are all about new experiences and this was definitely an ummm interesting one. One packet policy in full effect OK where to start, the noodle block was standard, no roughage. The ...
Had a great time tasting and reviewing previously so had to come back for more Ramen review action. Not a bad little package here, Nissin delivering a very pleasant culinary experience. Standard sized block, I tend to prefer these with broth noodles. Standard block; nice roughage Taste was ...