It's been a long time, I missed thy noodlies. Kam has been teasing me with these ones for quite a while now. From what I'm being told we're all just blaming Josh for getting this one out so late so I'm going to go with that also: fuck you Josh! Anyway, let's get down to this reviewing business. I freakin' love everything ...
Oh my! Sometimes I feel like we should just convert to "Samyang Regret Rater" as it seems this is all we review; but no one else in the noodle industry is contributing as much to the cause. Seriously; Samyang drops more consistent hot bangers than Roc-a-fella records in the late 2000's. My body is ready. So these come courtesy ...
By very little demand, WE ARE BACK! The Mala! These caught my eye from some videos on the tubefaces! 4x hot they said, hottest ever they said! No! You are wrong! These are hot - very hot - but there is no dethroning of the 2x fire noods happening today! I've got more gripes too! Our office used to have these hot water taps that ...
Well this is odd, Didn't I do the review for the last Song Songs? Seems odd to have me say the similar things about the same noods in different packaging! Here we go though! I prefer bowls for convenience sake, I like not having to source a bowl and just dump what I need into a pre-package and go. I'll always have a place in ...
The care package has arrived and we are back in business! Behind the scenes we have low key been freaking out about running out of ramen; I think we had one packet left. Moving on, let's get to the review; Samyang's Kim chi Song Song. Noodle block is HUGE! Tasty, tasty thick gauged noodles, the one flaw ...
So I saw these puppies at a Korean grocery store; the packaging immediately stood out to me because it's one I have never come across in my travels. It looks fun! Nongshim have been pretty good to us and I'm always a fan of Korean Spicy Chicken ANYTHING. So buy them I did. Nood block is pretty standard fare; to be honest I ...
Samyang back. The Classic Buldak flavour meets curry flavour yet again, this time meeting in the bowl of deliciousness. I am a big fan of the curry variety of fire noods, feel free to take a look at our last stab at these in packet variety. A lot of the same compliments are extended to the bowl Variety with the convenience of ...
We love Buldak; you know it, I know it, the world knows it. It's fantastic. It's fiery and tasty and in (most) cases, not very poo-y. That being said, as we learned from the bowl version of these noods there are always exceptions to rules; that leaves us here reviewing the cup version to see how our bowels fare ...
Holy moly; a red packet! This has gotta be spicy right? We have been churning through many a pack that claims spice, but much like a newspaper escort what we get at the door is not what was advertised (I wouldn't know, I've just heard). Maybe this will change today! Not a lick of English on the packaging; these are ...
This was a fusion dish we were all looking forward to. Those rockstars of instant ramen, Samyang, have offered up an interesting stir-fry nood this time. Mixing their seal of approval winning Hot Chicken Flavour sauce with a fragrant curry, and some dried bits of..... Potato? Lentils? I'm not really sure, but ...
If Mac'N'Cheese had a violent, sociopath brother, this would be it. Much like a sociopath this ramen knows how to charm you, with a thick, glorious looking noodle cake and appetising smell, it winds its way into your senses until you take the first bite - then the heat kicks in, and you can almost hear crazed ...
Holy Shit-balls these are good! Like...damn...I dig these. The noodles are the perfect thickness (of course, it's Samyang, what did I expect?), the broth is a wonderful deep rusty red, there is a hearty beef taste with a good deal of kick to it, and the vegetable sachet is completely appropriate; loads of spring onion! ...
Dredged from the depths of hell, my current theory is that this sauce is made from the blended bodies of demons. This is one hot, yet delicious puppy. The taste is only improved by the seaweed and sesame sprinkles, leaving a delicious savoury taste before the heat kicks you in the head. What a glorious mess. This looks pretty safe... But ...